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Crucial Influence

Breaking Through the Status Quo

Dear David,

How do you respond to someone who states, “But we’ve always done it this way,” as a response to change? My experience tells me that it’s a comfort-level response that says, “I really don’t understand what you are suggesting.” Progress is crucial for success but when the people who drive progress don’t understand new ideas or don’t want to explore them, it could drive talent to competitors. How do we elegantly address this?

Pushing Progress

Dear Pushing Progress,

Change is not always difficult. For example, when I get a new car, I manage to adapt to its more comfortable seats and new-car smell with hardly a hiccup. When people hate change, it’s because they don’t think the benefits outweigh the costs. The solution is to 1.) Make sure they understand the benefits of the change, and 2.) Get them to explain the costs as they see them. The difficult part of this solution is that there is a third element: “Who owns the decision?” Clarifying the decision rights is often the sticky element.

I’ll share a few ideas on each element.

1. Explain the Benefits. Explain the benefits before examining the costs. The goal is to find benefits that are likely (that the person can believe in) and that are valued (that the person cares about). Don’t assume that the person sees the benefits exactly as you do. And don’t assume they will be motivated by the same benefits that motivate you.

Consider benefits for the customer, the team, the job, and for the individual’s personal development:

• Customer: What are the benefits for customers? Better reliability, quicker deliveries, additional product features, improved service, etc.
• Team: What are the benefits for the team or the broader organization? Consistency across teams, better information, less effort, etc.
• Job: What are the benefits for how the job gets done? Improved quality, reduced cycle time, lower costs, etc.
• Development: What are the benefits for the individual’s skills or career? More valuable skills, more current skills, etc.

2. Examine the Costs. Get the person to explain what they see as the downsides of the change. Group these downsides into two categories: transition costs (the short-term costs of moving from one process to another) and permanent costs (the long-term inadequacies of the new process).

• Transition Costs: Most changes involve some transition costs, such as learning the new system, troubleshooting the new system, becoming comfortable with the new system, etc. Try to identify as many of these costs as possible in an open discussion. Your goal should be to anticipate and have a plan to reduce as many transition costs as possible. Often, it’s these transition costs that cause people to hate change.
• Permanent Costs: No new system is perfect. Most will have at least a few features that are inferior to the current system. Ask the employee to help you identify these and the impacts they will have on customers, teams, jobs, and development. Sometimes, the employee will be aware of a cost you haven’t considered—one that would cause you to reverse course on the change.

3. Clarify Decision Rights. How will the decision about the change be made? Does it require a consensus where anyone could veto it? Is it your decision to make? Or does someone else “own the decision”?

We ask leaders to consider three questions about their decisions: Who needs to have input into the decision? Who will make recommendations regarding the decision? Who will ultimately decide?

As a leader, it’s important to explain to your employees what their role is. Often, you want the employees’ input or recommendation, but you will decide. They need to know that asking for their ideas doesn’t give them veto power.

It sounds as if you may be encountering some ambiguity over these decision rights, or the person might be feeling unheard. My own approach is to begin by getting as many facts on the table as possible—by exploring the benefits and the costs—and to explain how the decision rights will work.

After the decision has been made, I reiterate the pluses and minuses I’ve heard from them—in part to prove I was listening. I explain the decision, and give it my support. Then I ask them to help me make the decision a success. Once the decision has been made, I want their commitment rather than more questioning.

Best Wishes,

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7 thoughts on “Breaking Through the Status Quo”

  1. Bonnie James

    Thank you.

  2. Patricia Pitsel, Ph.D.

    I’ve always this thought is important to consider when you re leading change: Don’t sell the solution until you sell the problem. Many people reject change because they don’t see a need for it – from their vantage point everything is working fine.

    1. Julinda

      Excellent point, Patricia Pitsel! Thinking about changes I have been through at work, that is something that was never done, and I think it would have made the changes easier to accept.

  3. David Maxfield

    Thanks Patricia! You make a great point. My dad used to joke that, “If something isn’t worth doing at all; it certainly isn’t worth doing well.”

    Too often we fail to document, measure, and describe the problem we are trying to solve. We need to be able to show that the problem is large enough to justify the change we are proposing.

    It’s also important to show the What’s In It’s For Me–to show the costs the individual is currently experiencing, and how the change will benefit them.



  4. Ruth

    This is superb and very appropriate for us as we communicate forthcoming changes to staff today. Thank you.

  5. Julinda

    When I read the question, I got the impression that “Pushing Progress” was trying to get his/her leaders to consider new ideas, rather than trying to get subordinates on board. Would your answer be the same in the situation I envisioned?

  6. David Maxfield

    Hi Julinda, Thanks for asking how it might be different if I were trying to convince leaders, rather than subordinates, to consider a new idea. My overall approach would be the same, but let me amplify on one aspect.
    My answer emphasizes talk–explaining benefits, examining costs, etc.–and we know that talk is the weakest form of influence. We will be more effective if we can use Direct or Vicarious Experience.
    For example, use Direct Experience by having the leader (or other person you are trying to influence) work in the area where you feel change is needed–have them experience the problems that need to be solved. Or use Vicarious Experience by having them interview customers about the problems that need to be addressed.
    Use these same methods to convince them of the viability of your solution. Create a small pilot program or have people visit a place that has already implemented the solution. Their Direct and Vicarious Experiences will have more impact than any words you could choose.

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